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Sonoran University of Health Sciences: LGBTQ-Friendly Ranking 2024

Sonoran University of Health SciencesRanked
in the USA
Sonoran University of Health Sciences is a very small not-for-profit LGBT-friendly college located in Tempe, Arizona. This college was founded in 1993 and is currently offering master's and doctoral degrees in 2 programs.

According to recent data analysis, Sonoran University of Health Sciences area is safe; the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus safety.

Based on 66 evaluation criteria, Sonoran University of Health Sciences LGBTQ-friendly program ranks in Top 100 LGBTQ-Friendly Schools in the United States and The Best LGBTQ-Friendly School in Arizona. Major competitors for this school are Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont and Roseman University of Health Sciences in Henderson. See the details about all eleven competing LGBTQ-friendly colleges as well as list of offered LGBTQ-friendly majors below.

LGBTQ-Friendly programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Best LGBTQ-Friendly School in Arizona
#24 LGBTQ-Friendly School in the West
#90 LGBTQ-Friendly School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best LGBT-Friendly Medical Program in Arizona

Regional Ranking

#15 LGBT-Friendly Medical Program in the West

National Ranking

#61 LGBT-Friendly Medical Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Sonoran University of Health Sciences is ranked among graduate schools in Arizona.

Contact information:

Sonoran University of Health Sciences
2140 E Broadway Rd
Tempe, AZ 85282
Phone: (480) 858-9100

Location map:

Sonoran University of Health Sciences Location Map


Master's degree

Clinical Nutrition

Doctor's degree

Naturopathic Medicine

Local competitors:

Keck Graduate Institute - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Keck Graduate Institute

Claremont, CA, 7 majors

Roseman University of Health Sciences - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Alliant International University San Diego - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Newschool of Architecture and Design - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Laguna College of Art and Design - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Laguna College of Art and Design

Laguna Beach, CA, 13 majors

Touro University Nevada - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Touro University Nevada

Henderson, NV, 10 majors

Westcliff University - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
Westcliff University

Irvine, CA, 46 majors

DeVry University Arizona - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
DeVry University Arizona

Phoenix, AZ, 32 majors

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at San Diego - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
DeVry University Nevada - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
DeVry University Nevada

Henderson, NV, 19 majors

Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking

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