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LGBT-Friendly Interior Design Schools in the West

Our 2024 ranking review contains 4 LGBT-friendly schools offering interior design majors in California.

Our team ranks California College of the Arts (San Francisco, CA), Newschool of Architecture and Design (San Diego, CA), and Woodbury University (Burbank, CA) the top three interior design LGBT-friendly schools in the West.

See the best 4 LGBT-friendly interior design schools in the West below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the West.

Top 4 LGBT-friendly interior design schools in the West:

California College of the Arts - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
1. California College of the Arts

San Francisco, CA, 2 interior design programs

Newschool of Architecture and Design - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
2. Newschool of Architecture and Design

San Diego, CA, 1 interior design program

Woodbury University - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
3. Woodbury University

Burbank, CA, 1 interior design program

Interior Designers Institute - LGBTQ-Friendly School Ranking
4. Interior Designers Institute

Newport Beach, CA, 3 interior design programs

LGBT-friendly interior design schools in the West by state:

Schools by State4 LGBT-Friendly Interior Design Schools in California

LGBT-friendly interior design schools in other regions:

Midwest: 2 LGBT-friendly schools
Northeast: 3 LGBT-friendly schools
South: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Southeast: 1 LGBT-friendly school

Popular LGBTQ-friendly school cities in the West:

in Alaska:
Anchorage: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Juneau: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Arizona:
Phoenix: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Tempe: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Tucson: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in California:
Berkeley: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Burbank: 2 LGBT-friendly schools
Carpinteria: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Claremont: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Clovis: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Costa Mesa: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Culver City: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Fullerton: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Gardena: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Glendale: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Hollywood: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Irvine: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Laguna Beach: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Los Alamitos: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Los Angeles: 4 LGBT-friendly schools
Monterey: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Newport Beach: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Oakland: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Pasadena: 2 LGBT-friendly schools
Penngrove: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Rosemead: 1 LGBT-friendly school
San Diego: 3 LGBT-friendly schools
San Francisco: 2 LGBT-friendly schools
Santa Barbara: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Santa Fe Springs: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Santa Monica: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Santa Rosa: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Stockton: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Vallejo: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Colorado:
Denver: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Parker: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Hawaii:
Honolulu: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Nevada:
Henderson: 3 LGBT-friendly schools
in New Mexico:
Santa Fe: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Oregon:
Portland: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Utah:
Provo: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Salt Lake City: 1 LGBT-friendly school
in Washington:
Kenmore: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Redmond: 1 LGBT-friendly school
Seattle: 3 LGBT-friendly schools
Toppenish: 1 LGBT-friendly school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology